Çisem Şendeniz


Çisem Şendeniz

Çisem Şendeniz was born, grew up and still lives in Fındıklı, a district of Rize that integrates with her unique lifestyle. She graduated from Karadeniz Technical University, English Language and Literature. Someone who produces herself sincerely and aims to make Çisem an adjectivation with the motto "A Çisem has passed from this world". She likes to produce, to speak, and most of all to exist. She takes an active role in local women's activism and aiming for a gender mainstreaming sensitive lifestyle. Gola's her first experience in civil society. While creating her own identity within Gola, she also tries to remember and remind its cultural heritage. As a linguist, translator and human being, she aims to improve herself through the trainings, seminars and people she meets. She has three poems already published and her biggest hobby is writing. She loves creating with colors, integrating art with her life, talking and living things. She describes herself as a knowledge addict and embraces green, envelop blue.

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